Portrait Painting - Part 2

As promised, part two of my full-length portrait demonstration for the Pastel Society of Colorado is available to you now. Watch this pastel portrait come to life, from the drawing stage all the way to a loose, painterly finish. And of course, I’d love it if you follow along!

This is my special gift to you this summer, with hopes that it will fan the flames of your creative inspiration and keep you moving forward. Thanks for sharing this creative journey together, it really is a joy. 

Here’s to pursuing your creative goals this season. Know that I’m cheering you on!

If for any reason you missed part one of this video, be sure to watch this one first! It’s right here for you.

Portrait Painting - Part 1

I hope your summer has been filled with new opportunities to open up and stretch your creative wings. While this year has certainly been unlike any other we’ve experienced, I'm grateful for the ways that we've been able to stay connected through our shared creative journey. 

That’s why I’m reaching out to you now, because I want to share a unique creative experience with you, in the hopes of fanning the flames of your creative inspiration. 

I was recently invited to give an online portrait demonstration for the Pastel Society of Colorado. They were kind enough to allow me to share this experience with you as well. 

Part one of this demonstration is available for you right now! You’re getting a VIP pass to your own front row seat to watch this full-length portrait painting lesson, and paint along with me. 
May you find fresh insight and inspiration for your painting process. Enjoy the first video now, and part two will be delivered to you here, so get ready for another great gift coming your way!

How To Freshen Up Dull Paintings

“How can I get fresher color into my work?” 

Let’s admit it, we’ve all asked ourselves this question at one time or another. And in this week’s lesson, I’m going to answer the question by addressing what to do when it all goes muddy and dull. Take heart, fellow travelers, for all is not lost! 

As we develop our paintings, the work can get muddy or dull for a number of reasons. Let’s explore together how to freshen up an otherwise murky painting by using freshening strokes of color. To bring this lesson to life for you, I’m going to paint my way out of the mud. Will I be able to turn things around? 

Find out as you watch this lesson on fresh color.

How To Loosen Up With Painterly Edges

Do you find yourself asking the question, “How do I loosen up my painting?” I think we’ve all asked ourselves this question at one time or another. This lesson is my response to your question, empowering you to move toward a more painterly approach in your work by focusing on one specific technique—Edges.  

In this paint along demonstration of an apple, we’ll deploy a rich variety of edges, allowing for a more painterly expression of this subject. Be sure to download your “Painterly Edges Resource Guide” so you can paint along with me. In it, you’ll find a reference photograph, painting examples related to the lesson and clear supportive definitions for each type of edge that we’ll cover in this lesson. It’s going to be great fun to explore this lesson together! Are you ready to paint?